Where Creative Friendships Are Made

Anywhere we can be of service.....
Sew N Sew to partner with the Natick Service Council
Kids Masks for Back to School
The Natick Service Council (***) is requesting children’s (3-7 yr old) and adolescent’s (7-11 yr old) sized face masks which they will distribute to children of their client families for this school year. We have told the Natick Service Council that we will make masks and schedule deliveries to them beginning in early September through the Fall.
We have 2 bins in the back room of Sew n Sew, both marked as "Children’s and Adolescent masks". One bin has mask kits complete with everything needed - children’s fabrics, button holed elastic, buttons, etc. The only additional thing you need is the pattern and instructions which can be found at this link. Please fee free to use your own supplies if you are unable to get to the studio. Supply list can be found on the top of the instructions
Catherine has created a video showing how to construct the kids masks- you will find it on our You Tube channel at this link
When completed, please put the mask back into the original ziploc baggie, or a new baggie if you are using your own material. Please indicate on the outside of the baggie, the age range (or size) of the mask. Place in the second drop off bin or contact us to arrange for pickup
Lorraine Gotlib will be the contact person from Sew n Sew for this outreach project. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to be in touch with her at lbgotfam@rcn.com.
Background and more info
There are excellent videos created by "The Fabric Patch" in Ephrata, WA. You can find the videos at:
Video 4 covers options for supply substitution
Video 5 covers the "Jesse Killion" mask for custom fitting to your face
Video 6 covers how to adjust the "Jesse" mask for young kids and options for teenagers (our mask pattern is based upon the "Jesse" mask)
*** Natick Service Council (NSC) is an independent, non-profit organization that connects, engages and collaborates with the community to support Natick neighbors who are experiencing hardship or economic uncertainty by promoting self-sufficiency. NSC provides a broad range of human and social services programs to their clients, including: case management, food security (food pantry), emergency financial assistance, the living well project, the Joan H. Brack Career Development Center, holiday programs and after school enrichment. For more info go to www.natickservicecouncil.org.