Where Creative Friendships Are Made
Sew-N-Sew Fiber Arts Election is Open
Cast your vote for 4 Board of Directors and 4 Officer positions. The positions are for a two-year term which begins September 1, 2018, and overlaps with the remaining 5 Director positions (**) which run through August 31, 2019.
The positions open for election and a description of responsibilities are as follows:
(**) The following Directors are not up for re-election this year: their terms go through August of 2019.
Nancy Bonner
Colleen Carr
Carol Cook
Margie Rosenthal
Joanne Thurston
President (currently held by: Deverie Bongard)
Oversee all operations of Sew-n-Sew, including but not limited to: prepare agendas for, preside over and attend all meetings. Oversee all committees, and bear ultimate responsibility for the books of business.
Vice-President (new position - no current incumbent)
Act in the stead of the president in the absence of the president. Work on special projects as requested and directed by the president. Work closely with the president to learn and be prepared to take action on all tasks performed by the president as requested by or in the absence of the president.
Treasurer (currently held by: Annie Dervin-Jundt)
Manage the books of business for Sew-n-Sew. Sign checks and bear responsibility for the correctness of accounts. Submit all filings as required by the State of Massachusetts or the Federal Government.
Clerk/Secretary (currently vacant)
Keep accurate minutes and records. Present recorded information at board meetings as required. Attend to all correspondence.
Board Member (expiring appointments: Catherine Gentile, Janet Gorman, Mary Mahaney, Pat McGrath)
The members of the board will be responsible for attending all meetings and participating in the running of Sew-n-Sew. They shall participate in the committees that are required for the continued operation of the organization. These include, but are not limited to:
Website: content maintenance of the SNS website
Curriculum: develop new LEO content, solicit new instructors, provide information for publication on the website
Outreach: develop and manage charity projects and coordinate and schedule same
Diva: oversee planning and management of Diva quilting retreat
Registration: collect and collate applications for sessions, LEOs and special events